Original Passage of the Zadroga Act 2010: House of Representatives

DistrictCongressmanVote (491)Vote (550)Vote (664)
AK-AKDon YoungYeaNayNot Voting
AL-1Jo BonnerNayNayNot Voting
AL-2Bobby BrightNayNayNot Voting
AL-3Mike D. RogersNayNayYea
AL-4Robert AderholtNayNayYea
AL-5Parker GriffithNot VotingNayNot Voting
AL-6Spencer BachusNayNayNay
AL-7Artur DavisYeaYeaNot Voting
AR-1Robert BerryNayNayNot Voting
AR-2Vic SnyderYeaYeaYea
AR-3John BoozmanNayNayNay
AR-4Mike RossYeaYeaYea
AZ-1Ann KirkpatrickYeaYeaNot Voting
AZ-2Trent FranksNayNayNay
AZ-3John ShadeggNot VotingNayNot Voting
AZ-4Ed PastorYeaYeaNot Voting
AZ-5Harry MitchellYeaYeaNot Voting
AZ-6Jeff FlakeNayNayNot Voting
AZ-7Raœl GrijalvaNot VotingYeaYea
AZ-8Gabrielle GiffordsYeaYeaNot Voting
CA-1Mike ThompsonYeaYeaYea
CA-2Wally HergerNayNayNay
CA-3Daniel LungrenNayYeaYea
CA-4Tom McClintockNayNayNay
CA-5Doris MatsuiYeaYeaYea
CA-6Lynn WoolseyYeaYeaYea
CA-7George MillerYeaYeaYea
CA-8Nancy PelosiNot VotingYeaYea
CA-9Barbara LeeYeaYeaNot Voting
CA-10John GaramendiYeaYeaNot Voting
CA-11Jerry McNerneyYeaYeaYea
CA-12Jackie SpeierYeaYeaNot Voting
CA-13Pete StarkYeaYeaNot Voting
CA-14Anna EshooYeaYeaYea
CA-15Mike HondaYeaYeaNot Voting
CA-16Zoe LofgrenYeaYeaNot Voting
CA-17Sam FarrYeaYeaYea
CA-18Dennis CardozaYeaYeaYea
CA-19George RadanovichNot VotingNayNot Voting
CA-20Jim CostaYeaYeaYea
CA-21Devin NunesNayNayNot Voting
CA-22Kevin McCarthyNot VotingNayNot Voting
CA-23Lois CappsYeaYeaYea
CA-24Elton GalleglyNayNayNot Voting
CA-25Buck McKeonNayNayNot Voting
CA-26David DreierNayNayYea
CA-27Brad ShermanYeaYeaYea
CA-28Howard BermanYeaYeaNot Voting
CA-29Adam SchiffYeaYeaYea
CA-30Henry WaxmanYeaYeaYea
CA-31Xavier BecerraYeaYeaNot Voting
CA-32Judy ChuYeaYeaNot Voting
CA-33Diane WatsonNot VotingYeaYea
CA-34Lucille Roybal-AllardYeaYeaYea
CA-35Maxine WatersYeaYeaNot Voting
CA-36Jane HarmanYeaYeaNot Voting
CA-37Laura RichardsonYeaYeaYea
CA-38Grace NapolitanoYeaYeaYea
CA-39Linda S‡nchezYeaYeaNot Voting
CA-40Ed RoyceNayNayNay
CA-41Jerry LewisNayNayNay
CA-42Gary MillerNayNayNot Voting
CA-43Joe BacaYeaYeaNot Voting
CA-44Ken CalvertNayNayNot Voting
CA-45Mary Bono MackNayNayNot Voting
CA-46Dana RohrabacherNayNayNot Voting
CA-47Loretta SanchezYeaYeaNot Voting
CA-48John CampbellNayNayNot Voting
CA-49Darrell IssaNayNayNot Voting
CA-50Brian BilbrayNayNayYea
CA-51Bob FilnerYeaYeaNot Voting
CA-52Duncan D. HunterNayNayNot Voting
CA-53Susan DavisYeaYeaYea
CO-1Diana DeGetteYeaYeaYea
CO-2Jared PolisYeaYeaYea
CO-3John SalazarYeaYeaNot Voting
CO-4Betsy MarkeyYeaYeaNot Voting
CO-5Doug LambornNayNayNot Voting
CO-6Mike CoffmanNayNayNay
CO-7Ed PerlmutterYeaYeaNot Voting
CT-1John LarsonYeaYeaYea
CT-2Joe CourtneyYeaYeaYea
CT-3Rosa DeLauroYeaYeaYea
CT-4Jim HimesYeaYeaYea
CT-5Christopher MurphyYeaYeaYea
DE-DEMichael CastleNayYeaYea
FL-1Jeff MillerNayNayNay
FL-2Allen BoydYeaNot VotingNot Voting
FL-3Corrine BrownYeaYeaYea
FL-4Ander CrenshawNayNayNot Voting
FL-5Ginny Brown-WaiteNayNayNot Voting
FL-6Cliff StearnsNayNayNot Voting
FL-7John MicaNayNayNay
FL-8Alan GraysonYeaYeaYea
FL-9Gus BilirakisNayNayNay
FL-10Bill YoungNot VotingNot VotingNot Voting
FL-11Kathy CastorYeaYeaYea
FL-12Adam PutnamNayNayNot Voting
FL-13Vern BuchananNayNayNot Voting
FL-14Connie Mack IVNayNayNot Voting
FL-15Bill PoseyNayNayNay
FL-16Tom RooneyNayNayYea
FL-17Kendrick MeekYeaYeaYea
FL-18Ileana Ros-LehtinenNayNayNot Voting
FL-19Ted DeutchYeaYeaNot Voting
FL-20Debbie Wasserman SchultzYeaYeaYea
FL-21Lincoln Diaz-BalartNayNot VotingNot Voting
FL-22Ron KleinYeaYeaYea
FL-23Alcee HastingsYeaYeaYea
FL-24Suzanne KosmasYeaYeaYea
FL-25Mario Diaz-BalartNayNayNay
GA-1Jack KingstonNayNayNay
GA-2Sanford BishopYeaYeaYea
GA-3Lynn WestmorelandNayNayNot Voting
GA-4Hank JohnsonYeaYeaYea
GA-5John LewisYeaYeaYea
GA-6Tom PriceNayNayNot Voting
GA-7John LinderNayNayNot Voting
GA-8Jim MarshallYeaYeaYea
GA-9Tom GravesNayNayNay
GA-10Paul BrounNayNayNot Voting
GA-11Phil GingreyNayNayNot Voting
GA-12John BarrowYeaYeaYea
GA-13David ScottYeaYeaYea
HI-1Charles DjouNayNayNot Voting
HI-2Mazie HironoYeaYeaYea
IA-1Bruce BraleyYeaYeaNot Voting
IA-2Dave LoebsackYeaYeaYea
IA-3Leonard BoswellYeaYeaYea
IA-4Tom LathamNayNayNot Voting
IA-5Steve KingNayNayNay
ID-1Walter MinnickYeaYeaNot Voting
ID-2Mike SimpsonNayNayNot Voting
IL-1Bobby RushYeaYeaNot Voting
IL-2Jesse Jackson, Jr.YeaYeaYea
IL-3Dan LipinskiYeaYeaNot Voting
IL-4Luis GutiŽrrezYeaYeaNot Voting
IL-5Michael QuigleyYeaYeaYea
IL-6Peter RoskamNayNayNot Voting
IL-7Danny DavisYeaYeaNot Voting
IL-8Melissa BeanNayYeaYea
IL-9Jan SchakowskyYeaYeaYea
IL-10Mark KirkYeaYeaNot Voting
IL-11Deborah HalvorsonYeaYeaYea
IL-12Jerry CostelloYeaYeaNot Voting
IL-13Judy BiggertNayNayNot Voting
IL-14Bill FosterYeaYeaYea
IL-15Timothy JohnsonNayNayNot Voting
IL-16Donald ManzulloNayNayNay
IL-17Phil HareYeaYeaYea
IL-18Aaron SchockNayNayNot Voting
IL-19John ShimkusNayNayNot Voting
IN-1Pete ViscloskyYeaYeaYea
IN-2Joe DonnellyYeaYeaYea
IN-3Marlin StutzmanNot VotingNot VotingNay
IN-4Steve BuyerNayNayNot Voting
IN-5Dan BurtonNayNayNot Voting
IN-6Mike PenceNayNayNot Voting
IN-7AndrŽ CarsonYeaYeaYea
IN-8Brad EllsworthYeaYeaNot Voting
IN-9Baron HillYeaYeaNot Voting
KS-1Jerry MoranNot VotingNayNot Voting
KS-2Lynn JenkinsNayNayNay
KS-3Dennis MooreYeaYeaNot Voting
KS-4Todd TiahrtNot VotingNayNay
KY-1Ed WhitfieldNayNayNay
KY-2Brett GuthrieNot VotingNayNay
KY-3John YarmuthYeaYeaYea
KY-4Geoff DavisNayNayNot Voting
KY-5Hal RogersNayNayNay
KY-6Ben ChandlerYeaYeaYea
LA-1Steve ScaliseNayNayNay
LA-2Anh CaoYeaYeaNot Voting
LA-3Charles MelanconYeaYeaNot Voting
LA-4John C. FlemingNayNayNay
LA-5Rodney AlexanderNayNayNay
LA-6Bill CassidyNayNayNay
LA-7Charles BoustanyNayNayNot Voting
MA-1John OlverYeaYeaYea
MA-2Richard NealYeaYeaNot Voting
MA-3Jim McGovernYeaYeaYea
MA-4Barney FrankYeaYeaYea
MA-5Niki TsongasYeaYeaYea
MA-6John TierneyYeaYeaYea
MA-7Ed MarkeyYeaYeaYea
MA-8Mike CapuanoYeaYeaYea
MA-9Stephen LynchYeaYeaYea
MA-10Bill DelahuntYeaYeaNot Voting
MD-1Frank KratovilYeaYeaYea
MD-2Dutch RuppersbergerYeaYeaYea
MD-3John SarbanesYeaYeaYea
MD-4Donna EdwardsYeaYeaYea
MD-5Steny HoyerYeaYeaYea
MD-6Roscoe BartlettNayNayNay
MD-7Elijah CummingsYeaYeaYea
MD-8Chris Van HollenYeaYeaYea
ME-1Chellie PingreeYeaYeaYea
ME-2Mike MichaudYeaYeaYea
MI-1Bart StupakYeaYeaNot Voting
MI-2Pete HoekstraNot VotingNayNay
MI-3Vernon EhlersNayNayNay
MI-4Dave CampNayNayNot Voting
MI-5Dale KildeeYeaYeaYea
MI-6Fred UptonNayNayNay
MI-7Mark SchauerYeaYeaYea
MI-8Mike RogersNayNayNot Voting
MI-9Gary PetersYeaYeaYea
MI-10Candice MillerYeaYeaNot Voting
MI-11Thad McCotterNayNayNay
MI-12Sander LevinYeaYeaYea
MI-13Carolyn KilpatrickNot VotingYeaNot Voting
MI-14John ConyersNot VotingYeaYea
MI-15John DingellYeaYeaYea
MN-1Tim WalzYeaYeaYea
MN-2John KlineNayNayNot Voting
MN-3Erik PaulsenNayNayNay
MN-4Betty McCollumYeaYeaYea
MN-5Keith EllisonYeaYeaYea
MN-6Michele BachmannNayNayNay
MN-7Collin PetersonYeaYeaNot Voting
MN-8James OberstarYeaYeaNot Voting
MO-1Lacy ClayNot VotingYeaNot Voting
MO-2Todd AkinNot VotingNayNay
MO-3Russ CarnahanYeaYeaYea
MO-4Ike SkeltonYeaYeaYea
MO-5Emanuel CleaverYeaYeaYea
MO-6Sam GravesNayNayNot Voting
MO-7Roy BluntNayNot VotingYea
MO-8Jo Ann EmersonNayNayYea
MO-9Blaine LuetkemeyerNayNayNot Voting
MS-1Travis ChildersYeaYeaNot Voting
MS-2Bennie ThompsonYeaYeaYea
MS-3Gregg HarperNayNayNot Voting
MS-4Gene TaylorYeaYeaNay
MT-MTDenny RehbergNayNayNay
NC-1G. K. ButterfieldYeaYeaYea
NC-2Bob EtheridgeYeaYeaYea
NC-3Walter B. JonesYeaYeaNot Voting
NC-4David PriceYeaYeaYea
NC-5Virginia FoxxNayNayNay
NC-6Howard CobleNayNayNot Voting
NC-7Mike McIntyreYeaYeaNot Voting
NC-8Larry KissellYeaYeaYea
NC-9Sue MyrickNayNayNay
NC-10Patrick McHenryNayNayNot Voting
NC-11Heath ShulerYeaYeaNot Voting
NC-12Mel WattNot VotingYeaYea
NC-13Brad MillerYeaYeaYea
ND-NDEarl PomeroyYeaYeaNot Voting
NE-1Jeff FortenberryNayNayYea
NE-2Lee TerryNayNayNay
NE-3Adrian M. SmithNayNayNay
NH-1Carol Shea-PorterYeaYeaYea
NH-2Paul HodesYeaYeaNot Voting
NJ-1Rob AndrewsYeaYeaYea
NJ-2Frank LoBiondoYeaYeaYea
NJ-3John AdlerYeaYeaYea
NJ-4Christopher SmithYeaYeaYea
NJ-5Scott GarrettNayNayYea
NJ-6Frank PalloneYeaYeaYea
NJ-7Leonard LanceYeaYeaYea
NJ-8Bill PascrellYeaYeaYea
NJ-9Steven RothmanYeaYeaYea
NJ-10Donald PayneYeaYeaYea
NJ-11Rodney FrelinghuysenYeaYeaYea
NJ-12Rush D. HoltYeaYeaYea
NJ-13Albio SiresYeaYeaYea
NM-01Martin HeinrichYeaYeaYea
NM-02Harry TeagueYeaYeaYea
NM-03Ben R. Luj‡nYeaYeaYea
NV-1Shelley BerkleyYeaYeaYea
NV-2Dean HellerNayNayNot Voting
NV-3Dina TitusYeaYeaYea
NY-1Tim BishopYeaYeaYea
NY-2Steve IsraelYeaYeaYea
NY-3Peter KingYeaYeaYea
NY-4Carolyn McCarthyYeaYeaNot Voting
NY-5Gary AckermanYeaYeaYea
NY-6Gregory MeeksYeaYeaYea
NY-7Joe CrowleyYeaYeaYea
NY-8Jerrold NadlerYeaYeaYea
NY-9Anthony WeinerYeaYeaYea
NY-10Ed TownsYeaYeaYea
NY-11Yvette D. ClarkeYeaYeaYea
NY-12Nydia Vel‡zquezYeaYeaYea
NY-13Michael McMahonYeaYeaYea
NY-14Carolyn MaloneyYeaYeaYea
NY-15Charles B. RangelYeaYeaYea
NY-16JosŽ SerranoYeaYeaYea
NY-17Eliot EngelYeaYeaYea
NY-18Nita LoweyYeaYeaYea
NY-19John HallYeaYeaYea
NY-20Scott MurphyYeaYeaYea
NY-21Paul TonkoYeaYeaYea
NY-22Maurice HincheyYeaYeaYea
NY-23Bill OwensYeaYeaYea
NY-24Michael ArcuriYeaYeaYea
NY-25Daniel MaffeiYeaYeaYea
NY-26Christopher LeeNayNayYea
NY-27Brian HigginsYeaYeaYea
NY-28Louise SlaughterYeaYeaYea
NY-29Tom ReedNot VotingNot VotingYea
OH-1Steve DriehausYeaYeaYea
OH-2Jean SchmidtNayNayNay
OH-3Michael TurnerNayNayYea
OH-4Jim JordanNayNayNay
OH-5Bob LattaNayNayNay
OH-6Charles WilsonYeaYeaYea
OH-7Steve AustriaNayNayYea
OH-8John BoehnerNayNayNot Voting
OH-9Marcy KapturYeaYeaYea
OH-10Dennis KucinichYeaYeaYea
OH-11Marcia FudgeYeaYeaNot Voting
OH-12Patrick TiberiNayNayNot Voting
OH-13Betty SuttonYeaYeaYea
OH-14Steven LaTouretteNayNayNay
OH-15Mary Jo KilroyYeaYeaNot Voting
OH-16John BoccieriYeaYeaNot Voting
OH-17Tim RyanYeaYeaYea
OH-18Zack SpaceYeaYeaNot Voting
OK-1John SullivanNayNayNot Voting
OK-2Dan BorenYeaYeaYea
OK-3Frank LucasNayNayNot Voting
OK-4Tom ColeNayYeaYea
OK-5Mary FallinNayNot VotingNot Voting
OR-1David WuYeaYeaNot Voting
OR-2Greg WaldenNayNayNay
OR-3Earl BlumenauerYeaYeaNot Voting
OR-4Peter DeFazioYeaYeaNot Voting
OR-5Kurt SchraderYeaYeaNot Voting
PA-1Robert BradyYeaYeaNot Voting
PA-2Chaka FattahYeaYeaYea
PA-3Kathleen DahlkemperYeaYeaYea
PA-4Jason AltmireYeaYeaYea
PA-5Glenn ThompsonNayNayYea
PA-6Jim GerlachNayYeaYea
PA-7Joe SestakYeaYeaYea
PA-8Patrick MurphyYeaYeaYea
PA-9Bill ShusterNayNayNay
PA-10Christopher CarneyNot VotingYeaYea
PA-11Paul KanjorskiYeaYeaYea
PA-12Mark CritzYeaYeaYea
PA-13Allyson SchwartzYeaYeaYea
PA-14Mike DoyleYeaYeaYea
PA-15Charlie DentYeaYeaYea
PA-16Joe PittsNayNayNot Voting
PA-17Tim HoldenYeaYeaYea
PA-18Tim MurphyYeaYeaYea
PA-19Todd PlattsNayYeaYea
RI-1Patrick KennedyYeaYeaNot Voting
RI-2James LangevinYeaYeaYea
SC-1Henry BrownNayNayNot Voting
SC-2Joe WilsonNayNayNay
SC-3James BarrettNayNayNot Voting
SC-4Bob InglisNayNayNay
SC-5John SprattYeaYeaNot Voting
SC-6Jim ClyburnYeaYeaYea
SD-SDStephanie Herseth SandlinYeaYeaNot Voting
TN-1David RoeNayYeaNot Voting
TN-2John DuncanNayNayNot Voting
TN-3Zach WampNot VotingNayNot Voting
TN-4Lincoln DavisYeaYeaNot Voting
TN-5Jim CooperNayNayNot Voting
TN-6Bart GordonYeaYeaYea
TN-7Marsha BlackburnNayNayNot Voting
TN-8John TannerYeaYeaNot Voting
TN-9Steve CohenYeaYeaNot Voting
TX-1Louie GohmertNayNayNot Voting
TX-2Ted PoeNayNayNot Voting
TX-3Sam JohnsonNayNayNot Voting
TX-4Ralph HallNayNayNay
TX-5Jeb HensarlingNayNayNay
TX-6Joe BartonNayNayNot Voting
TX-7John CulbersonNayNayNot Voting
TX-8Kevin BradyNayNayNay
TX-9Al GreenYeaYeaYea
TX-10Mike McCaulNayNayNot Voting
TX-11Mike ConawayNayNayNay
TX-12Kay GrangerNayNayNot Voting
TX-13Mac ThornberryNayNayNot Voting
TX-14Ron PaulNayNayNot Voting
TX-15RubŽn HinojosaYeaYeaNot Voting
TX-16Silvestre ReyesYeaYeaNot Voting
TX-17Chet EdwardsYeaYeaYea
TX-18Sheila Jackson LeeYeaYeaYea
TX-19Randy NeugebauerNayNayNot Voting
TX-20Charlie GonzalezYeaYeaYea
TX-21Lamar SmithNayNayNot Voting
TX-22Pete OlsonNayNayNay
TX-23Ciro RodriguezYeaYeaNot Voting
TX-24Kenny MarchantNayNayNot Voting
TX-25Lloyd DoggettYeaYeaNot Voting
TX-26Michael BurgessNayNayYea
TX-27Solomon OrtizYeaYeaNot Voting
TX-28Henry CuellarYeaYeaNot Voting
TX-29Gene GreenYeaYeaNot Voting
TX-30Eddie Bernice JohnsonYeaYeaNot Voting
TX-31John CarterNayNayNot Voting
TX-32Pete SessionsNayNayNay
UT-1Rob BishopNayNayNay
UT-2Jim MathesonYeaYeaYea
UT-3Jason ChaffetzNayNayYea
VA-1Rob WittmanNayNayNay
VA-2Glenn NyeYeaYeaYea
VA-3Bobby ScottYeaYeaYea
VA-4Randy ForbesNayNayNot Voting
VA-5Thomas PerrielloYeaYeaYea
VA-6Bob GoodlatteNayNayNay
VA-7Eric CantorNayNayNay
VA-8Jim MoranYeaYeaYea
VA-9Rick BoucherYeaYeaYea
VA-10Frank WolfNayNayYea
VA-11Gerry ConnollyYeaYeaYea
VT-VTPeter WelchYeaYeaNot Voting
WA-1Jay InsleeYeaYeaYea
WA-2Rick LarsenYeaYeaYea
WA-3Brian BairdYeaYeaNot Voting
WA-4Doc HastingsNayNayNot Voting
WA-5Cathy McMorris RodgersNayNayNot Voting
WA-6Norm DicksYeaYeaYea
WA-7Jim McDermottYeaYeaYea
WA-8Dave ReichertNayNayYea
WA-9Adam SmithYeaYeaNot Voting
WI-1Paul RyanNayNayNot Voting
WI-2Tammy BaldwinYeaYeaYea
WI-3Ron KindYeaYeaYea
WI-4Gwen MooreYeaYeaYea
WI-5James SensenbrennerNayNayNot Voting
WI-6Tom PetriNayNayNot Voting
WI-7Dave ObeyYeaYeaYea
WI-8Steve KagenYeaYeaNot Voting
WV-1Alan MollohanYeaYeaYea
WV-2Shelley Moore CapitoNayNayYea
WV-3Nick RahallYeaYeaYea
WY-WYCynthia LummisNayNayNay


In the House of Representatives there were three floor votes in 2010 taken by the full House. The Table above reflects the total of the three votes, if a member voted for the legislation either the second or the third time they are marked as voting “Yes”, if they voted no and opposed the legislation they are marked as “No”, if they were not in Congress that year they are marked as “Not in Congress”. There was one member who was not in Congress for the first two votes and was absent for the last and he is marked as “Absent”

The three votes are, The first attempt at House Passage (Roll #491) on July 29, 2010, was an attempt to achieve passage using an expedited procedure called “Suspension of the Rules” that requires an affirmative two-thirds vote for passage and is used by the House to bring up for a vote non-controversial legislation. While the vote was 255-159 in favor, the bill failed to get the required two-thirds affirmative vote of those present and was not passed.

The second attempt at House Passage was successful, using regular House procedures, on September 29, 2010 the legislation was brought to the full House, was passed and sent to the Senate with an overwhelming majority 268-160 (Roll #550).

The final vote in the House of Representatives was on December 22, 2010, and it was final passage of the legislation, agreeing to changes in the legislation by the U.S. Senate. It was in fact the last bill to pass the Congress that year, passing the House 206-60 (Roll #664), which sent it to President Barack Obama for his signature.

Updated 4/23/2020

Last updated: April 24, 2020