Micki Siegel de Hernández

Micki Siegel de Hernández, M.P.H., is the National Deputy Director of Occupational Safety and Health for the Communications Workers of America (CWA), CWA represents an extremely diverse group of workers in both the public and private sectors, thousands of whom were responders, as well as survivors, of the 9/11 disaster. She became Chair of the WTC Health Program (WTCHP) Responder Steering Committee (RSC) in February 2018 after serving as a labor representative on the RSC since its inception. She currently serves on the WTC Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) established under the Zadroga Act. She is also a labor representative on the WTCHP Survivor Program Steering Committee, has served as a labor representative on the NYC DOHMH WTC Registry Labor Advisory Committee (LAC), was the labor liaison on the EPA WTC Expert Technical Review Panel, and was the labor co-chair of the WTC Community/Labor Coalition.